Quartzcolor® by Procyl-COLORS
Quartzcolor® consists of natural coloured quartz that is mixed with epoxy or polyurethane resin in order to create seamless floor and wall coverings that are extremely resistant, with a thickness that varies between 3 to 10 millimetres.
Guaranteed effect
Stone carpets and decks, wall coverings, mortar and broadcast systems are all proposed in a multitude of colours and finishes. The Quartzcolor® range offers you every possibility to personalise your order, for both interior and exterior surfaces.
Decorative and effective
A unique and innovative product, Quartzcolor® brings together visibly decorative qualities with exceptional features such as variety, strength, mechanical resistance, resistant against scuffing and protection against fading from UV rays and chemical agents. Sturdy and long-lasting, it boasts outstanding thermal, antistatic and acoustic performances, while offering you a perfectly seamless finish. Quartzcolor® has been used in manufacturing industries for several decades due to its resistance which is 6 times higher than concrete. Its thin layering and its ability to be applied to any type of surface, means it is particularly suitable for renovation work.
PRIMAIRE Series D – Grain size : from 04, to 0,8 mm
PRIMAIRE Series J – Grain size : from 1.6 to 4 mm
MÉLANGE Series MQC – Grain size : from 04, to 0,8 mm
LUMINESCENTE – Grain size : from de 04, à 0,8 mm and of 1,6 à 4 mm
MÉTALLIQUE – Grain size : from 04, à 0,8 mm and of 1,6 à 4 mm